Mobility assistive devices are specially designed to help a person to perform certain tasks. These are extremely useful in the day-to-day lives of physically challenged individuals. Mobility aids enable them to do daily routines. Without these devices, patients who are undergoing support programs in New Jersey would most likely struggle to do activities of daily living. This is why mobility assistive devices are essential for them.
Mobility-challenged people who are under the supervision of developmental disability care are dependent on mobility aids, such as wheelchairs. They couldn’t carry out their daily activities without these devices. Because of this, it is of the utmost importance to keep mobility aids in good condition at all costs. Dealing with damages is the last thing that patients would want to encounter. It would only add to their burden and worsen their situation.
Owners have the main responsibility of keeping wheelchairs in perfect condition. They can get started by using their mobility aids with extra precaution as they take part in day programs. Observing proper maintenance is equally important. Other than these, there are other simple ways to safeguard their mobility assistive devices. Read on to keep yourself guided.
Look out for signs of wear and tear.
Use a disinfectant in sanitizing the wheelchair.
Wipe the wheels with a damp cloth and mild detergent.
Check the brakes for signs of damage or misalignment.
Remove debris, dirt, and dust from the frame and wheels.
Keep your wheelchair in tip-top shape!
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Champion Learning LLC is more than willing to help!
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